
Podospora anserina

Domaine: Biologie
Langue: Français
1ère Édition
277 pages
Taille: 20 Mo


Podospora anserina is a model used in several laboratories to study various facets of biology, including ageing, prions, sexual compatiblity and development, genome evolution, phenotypic instability, biomass degradation, natural, product production, etc. Its ease of culture, preservation and sophistication of its genetic analyses make of this fungus an asset in experimental research, hence its common name: the “friendly mold”. This book aimed at providing an up to date presentation of Podospora anserina. In a first part, the general biology of the model fungus is presented. It is followed in a second part by a review of the main results obtained while using the friendly mold in molecular genetic analyses. The author hopes that this book will help both researchers already using the fungus and those that may wish to use it.

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